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Bedroom Update #1

I'm SO excited to start sharing the bedroom updates! (Please once again, don't mind the messy bed)
We've finally got all the walls painted, and after I got over my initial shock of all the pink, it's quickly turning into one of my favorite rooms! The rainbow wall decals and putting back up the dark shelves really help to visually break things up (makes the pink a bit less in your face).

I was also able to craft up a light switch cover using some polymer clay. This photo also give a way better idea of what the pink walls actually look like. I've only been able to take photos of the whole room in the evening, and the lighting isn't the best.

Next steps in the project include:
  • Building the dollhouse
  • Painting the world map on the back of the door
  • Finding a headboard that isn't going to break the bank... and that I like. I'm starting to think I might need to just bit the bullet and make it myself.
  • Building some under the bed rolling drawers for additional storage and organization, and
  • Cleaning out and organizing the closet


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