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Love the house you live in - Part 3

The Bedroom(s)

Where do I even start when it comes to bedrooms.
Ours are a mess, and trying to convince my daughter to sleep in her own is a chore on it's own. So to try and entice her to sleep more in her own bed, we (well... I... ) decided that she could redecorate her room how she wanted it. Below is the before picture, and as we're in the middle of re-painting I'll post the after in another post.
Previously the walls were grey (and clearly needed a lot of patch work!) and the room has white trim.

She decided that she wanted a rainbow room.
There's no way I'm going to test the limits of my abysmal wall painting skills to paint the walls rainbow (I'd like to think I have quite a few artistic talents, but wall painting is not one of them), so we compromised on pink walls with rainbow decals. I'm also eyeing up some super cute sun catcher window decals! I'm also hoping to make this into a room that can grow with her, so that when she changes her mind in a few years about what she wants her room to feel like, it's a quick update.

Vision Board

Top Right: I picked up a decorative storm lantern from IKEA and will be creating a fairy garden in it
Bottom Right: Once again utilizing my CAD skills, I've kindly asked my husband to create a doll house to fit in an awkward space that will easily be turned into a bookshelf when she gets a older and no 
longer wants a doll house
Bottom Left: Polymer clay to the rescue! I'll be making a light switch cover that incorporates rainbows and unicorns into it
Bottom Middle: I love the idea of her having a place to display her art. So while I probably won't go with the words on the wall, I will be hanging up a couple of lines so she can display her latest creations

Top and Middle Left:  I love these items, and they've really driven a lot of the room. I've included their Etsy store names in case you want to check them out too! (no affiliations, just really loved the items!)


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